Skalnik Solution Creator

My Expertise

I am a systems and software engineer protecting high-profile customers such as finance and crypto exchanges, AAA gaming servers, and household-name streaming services. I specialize in proactive automation and problem-solving, primarily using Ruby and AWS.


I deliver customer-facing anti-DDoS products for Amazon Web Services as a member of the AWS Shield DDoS Response Team. I gained years of experience with AWS products prior to joining AWS, and have multiple current AWS certifications.

I have over a decade of experience managing Debian, RHEL, and other Linux systems at scale.


I develop software solutions in Python, Ruby, and other languages. I have built sites and services using Rails, Sinatra, and other frameworks. My specialty is developing bots, scrapers, and web spiders using Capybara, Mechanize, and Poltergeist.


I have a decade of experience using industry-standard tools. A typical day includes SSHing into a remote server, coding in vim, managing code with git, and continuously deploying using either AWS products or Jenkins, Grunt, etc.

Featured Projects


AWS DDoS Response Automation

  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • AWS

I triage and resolve attacks and other events affecting high-profile AWS customers; design new products and projects to simplify workflows, automate DDoS detection, and lower time to mitigate attacks; and interface with sales to promote DDoS Response tools and product offerings.

AWS Shield Advanced

Architecture and Product Design

  • Python
  • Excel
  • Linux and bash

I owned, designed, and executed several successful projects for Amazon Fulfillment Technologies. I authored a multi-threaded async Python service to detect and resolve security and service availability issues on a global scale; this prevented multiple incidents that would otherwise have resulted in seven-figure losses. I also owned worldwide upgrade campaigns for Linux OS and software upgrades between major versions. My biggest victory was the design of new server hardware platforms. This included everything from creating new vendor relationships and ensuring supply chainand support; getting stakeholder buy-in; creating new and revamped processes and documentation for multiple audiences; to designing, testing, and deploying new server hardware.